Boost is giving away FREE COVID-19 Life Insurance: Here’s How to Apply
Boost e-wallet is generously giving away FREE life insurance with special Covid-19 coverage! For Malaysians whose life insurance may not provide coverage for pandemic-related losses, or worse – are not insured – this is your opportunity to get insured for free.
Here’s all you need to know.
What is it?
In light of the recent Covid-19 outbreak, Boost together with Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad have come together to offer free life insurance with special Covid-19 coverage.
This insurance is limited to the first 200,000 successful applicants only. Applications are accepted for a limited time only until the 15th of April, while insurance coverage extends till 30th April.
- RM5,000 payout upon Covid-19 diagnosis
RM5,000 will be paid in lump sum to patients diagnosed with Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) by any of the hospitals identified by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
- RM1,000 payout to family upon death
Your coverage period starts from the day of successful enrollment confirmation by Boost until 30 April 2020. Death during this coverage period for any reason except suicide will receive a death benefit of RM1,000.
Eligibility requirements
Aside from being free of charge, what differentiates this life insurance from other insurance plans is that Malaysians with pre-existing medical conditions are eligible as well!
Eligibility requirements for this insurance plan include:
- Malaysian
- Aged 18 – 55 years old
- Verified user of Boost Premium e-wallet.
According to Boost, existing customers of Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad and Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad Customers are not eligible as they are already covered for this special Covid-19 coverage under their current policy. If you are an existing customer but are not aware of this, please contact your respective agent or the Prudential careline.
How to apply
Step 1: Make sure your Boost e-wallet is upgraded to the Premium version. Don’t worry, there are no charges involved. To do this, go to the profile screen and click on “Upgrade to Premium wallet for free”
Step 2: Verify your identification details. Following Bank Negara’s regulations, you will be required to send in a front and back picture of your NRIC or passport data page as well as a clear selfie for verification purposes.
Step 3: Tap on “Covid-19 Coverage” on the Boost homepage. After your verification has been successfully processed (usually within one working day), you will need to provide your bank details in order to link your Boost Premium e-wallet. Once that’s done, simply click on “Covid-19 coverage”.
You can also click on the “Boost Cares For You” tile under “More For You”.
Step 4: Wait for confirmation by Boost. According to Boost, applicants will receive confirmation of their application status within three (3) working days from the date of application. This insurance plan is limited to the first 200,000 successful enrollments.
*deadline for application is 15 April 2020
How do I submit a claim?
Download the claims form here, and submit it along with all relevant investigation reports and medical reports completed by a treating doctor to any Prudential branch. Patients diagnosed with Covid-19 must submit their claims within three (3) months from the diagnosed date.
How long will it take to process my claim?
Once all the required documents have been submitted, it will usually take two weeks for your claim to be processed.
Can I apply for my family members as well?
Each Boost user is limited to one application only. If your family members are all Boost e-wallet users, they may each apply separately.
You deserve the peace of mind. Click here to apply now!